Pharmacy Technician Classes - 2 week course

The pharmacy technician program is designed to prepare students to enter the pharmacy field at a minimum entry level in hospitals community (retail) pharmacies or clinics as well as non-traditional settings. Pharmacy Technician students will be licensed by the State of Virginia and upon completion of this course be eligible to sit for the certification exam. Professional Career Institute is now enrolling for Pharmacy Technician classes. Trained pharmacy technicians are extremely valuable in healthcare environments. The pharmacy technician may act as an intermediary between the physician and pharmacist and as an advocate for patients. Pharmacy technicians must be extremely responsible accurate and efficient professional at all times.Start 2018 with a New Career 2 week course.Day Hours 9 00 am - 2 00 pmEvening Hours 5 00 pm - 10 00 pmCost 950.00 (books included)Payment Plan AvailableJob Placement Assistance After GraduationApproved by Goodwill DARS Workforce and Dept. of Social ServicesCall MayLynda (at) 804-327-9740PROFESSIONAL CAREER INSTITUTE9200 Arboretum Parkway Suite 110Richmond VA



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