Georgetown OAK Electric Fireplace "ONLY 3 in STOCK"

Close out Picture 1 Classic Flame Georgetown Oak Wall Mantel with 33II310GRA with Multi-Function Remote Control 120V Plugin All LED Technology Warehouse Showroom displays over 50 scratch & dent & closeout electric fireplace models by major manufacturers. No Sales Tax Our showroom is available by appt Monday thru Friday BE SURE TO CALL 503-621-3085 or 800-555-0564All floor models gotta go Close-outs on all Electric Fireplaces New-In-Box Specials not listed-on the website will be available at below cost. Plus ask about the delivery options we have available ADDCO Electric Fireplaces 6635 North Baltimore Portland OR 97203 Picture 2 Converting Your Fireplace To Electric An electric fireplace insert and custom Made in the USA trim is the perfect solution for converting a wood-burning fireplace replacing an insert RV s building a custom mantel or surround new construction and commercial applications. The trim overlaps the facade by a couple of inches to cover the void between the insert and the opening for a finished look. Free shipping and no sales tax.Step 1 Measure Your Fireplace Opening Front W x H x D and Back W x H Step 2 Select An Electric Insert Or Call 1-800-555-0564 For A RecommendationStep 3 Order a Custom Trim to Cover The Opening Visit us online for more deals and close-outs just cut and paste. portland-showroom-electric-fireplace-home-the ater-mantel-stove.php ADDCO has been in business since 1977 and is celebrating 40 years in the Portland area. We are an authorized distributor for many major brands such as Dimplex ClassicFlame & Duraflame.When you call ADDCO you will speak with an individual who is willing to take the time to help you find the fireplace for your needs.



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