AKC Brindle Blue Carrier French Bulldog Puppy Boy (Hoyt)

Super cute male BRINDLE BLUE CARRIER French Bulldog puppy Hoyt is waiting for you He was born in 12 08 2017. He got vaccinated and dewormed up to date. He is registered with AKC. His father is Blue Tan French Bulldog and his mother is Black Trindle with Blue tan gene carrier. Hoyt has blue eyes and has a lot of brindle in his coat. He also has small white spot on his chest. He has adorable face compact but stocky body with short legs. He has very loving playful personality. Comes with 1 year written health guarantee. The puppy will be micro-chipped. His price is 2500. I also provide some basic supplies like starter kit such as food vitamin toys pads etc. I am able to ship the puppies. You can either send me an e-mail or call text me at 323-819-0113. Ask Brandon.



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