100 acreas of land and home for sale in Clarksburg Tenn. Owner will finance. My name is Daniel I am 62 years young. I have lived here on this farm for about 30 years. I am getting ready to move. If you think you would like to own this 100 acreas give me a call at 731-217-5569. This is not a forcloser it is an opportunity and a great investment. Your closest neighbor is Jesus and if you don t like him he will move but he has really blessed me and my wife. The Land has Also Been Blessed . The house sets about 220 yards off the road with a workshop beside the house. Price is 630 000.00. 1. A new house less than 3 years old 2 bedrooms 1 master bathroom 1 regular bathroom. 2. 65 acreas of farm land. 3. 1000 square feet of workshop close to the house. 4.Lots and lots of deer and turkeys. 5. Blacktop driveway going to house and workshop. 6. Good neighborhood to retire in. 7. Creek on the map runs through the middle. 8. Grocery store Bank School 3 Churches Dollar store Auto shop all withen 4 miles from the house. Wal-mart is about 10 miles away. 9 Owner will act as bank if you are honest and have good down payment.



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