Hard shifting, Transmission Slipping, Not Shifting, Engine Revs,

CLICK ON PICTURE TO VISIT OUR WEBSITE TRANSMISSION EXPERTS Always go with an Expert DID YOU KNOW... that sometimes you spend more when you buy a USED TRANSMISSION than when you repair your own SABIA USTED... que aveces gasta mas cuando compra una TRANSMISION USADA que cuando repara solo el problema de la que ya tiene We are Transmission Experts let us help you with your car problem and save Somos Expertos en Transmisiones podemos ayudarle con su problema del carro y a ahorrarle un buen CONTACT US NOW National City Location 1112 Coolidge Ave National City CA 91950 (619) 474-2021 El Cajon City Location 210 W. Bradley Ave Ste F El Cajon CA 92020 (619) 312-0555 Miramar location 5780 Autoport Mall San Diego CA 92121 (858) 457-5500



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