Philadelphia Eagles 2017 NFC Champ and Super Bowl Appearance Foo

Order via phone at 1-800-345-2868 or through our website The Philadelphia Eagles are heading to the 2018 Super Bowl They won the NFC Championship beating the Vikings 38-7 on January 21 2018 Celebrate with this Limited Edition Rawlings football. The football celebrates the Eagles amazing 2017-18 season team history and championship history Each football comes fully embossed with logos and text. This is a must have for any Eagles FAN Panel 1 Eagles Logo Team Stats and Championship HistoryPanel 2 Entire season schedule with scores and opponents Eagles helmet logo and playoff game results.Panel 3 2017 NFC Champs Super Bowl LII Logo Eagles LogoThis football is fully licensed by the NFL and the Philadelphia Eagles. Each football comes with a beautiful acrylic display case with a black base and removable clear acrylic cover to protect and display your football for years to come. This ball is a Limited Edition of 5 000 and comes with an individually numbered certificate of authenticity. Photos are mockups and are subject to change due to licensing approvals. Please allow an 8 week production time from 2 4 18 as the footballs cannot go into production until after the Championship game is played. Please note that an autograph upgrade may add an additional 4 week delay depending on the availability of the signee.Order via phone at 1-800-345-2868 or through our website



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