ISO Lab spayed adult

I want to adopt a spayed adult Lab. I am retired live alone. There are no children ales in the home. I own my own home however it is a condo. I am close to several walking parks. Lab needs to be housebroken and used to two rescue cats that are 7 and 8 years old. I am home almost everyday so I can devote time to the animal. Would like to train it for a therapy dog for nursing homes. But if that is not what the dog wants that s fine with me also. My home is quiet. Also would be interested in other breeds as well. Just looking for a good protective companion that will get along with my 2 cats and is housebroken. With all the adobtable dogs out there and with all the dogs that are being put to death I m having a difficult time finding a good companion. Can you help This wil be a forever home and a good home. Only interested in housesbroken spayed adult dogs.Please spread the word. I m not looking for a dog with major behavior problems.ThanksRita



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