Sunshine Children&rsquos Centre is seeking FT Early Childhood Ed

Sunshine Children s Centre is seeking F T Early Childhood EducatorPosition Early Childhood EducatorTerms of employment Full-time PermanentWage 17- 19 hour (depending on Experience)Hours 30 - 40hours per weekBenefits 10 days paid vacation per year or 4% vacation pay Job Duties Provide a daily balance of active quiet indoor outdoor and individual group activities Provide opportunity for child directed play experience Organize space equipment and materials before activities Establish and carry out a daily activity schedule that incorporates child directed activity care routines and transition times Discipline and observe children s behaviour with guideline. To maintain a neat orderly and clean environment including all activity and program areas common spaces and washrooms. To assist with the planning and implementing of a consistent child-centred program in accordance with our company standards. Supervising and cooperating with other early childhood educators and early childhood educator assistants. Employment Requirements Early childhood educator certification & Diploma Minimum experience 1 2 years First Aid Certificate & CPR Certificate Number of Positions 2 Location Surrey BCCompany information Sunshine Children s CentreContact Person Kausar UqailiEmail uqailik(at)gmail.comBusiness address 13175 107 Ave Surrey BC V3T 2G2



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