FT Teller (Brookline)

Great opportunity for a friendly outgoing customer-service-oriented individuals who would like to join RTN Federal Credit Union as a Teller. These positions are full time Monday through Friday with Saturday rotations at existing branch or another RTN branch location. Put your communication skills to use as you interact with our customers (members) to assist them with their financial services needs. Knowledge of a second language is a plus (Spanish speaking preferred). Be part of an organization that is working for the benefit of its members.Duties Perform daily transactions (deposits withdrawals transfers travel checks money orders savings bonds etc.) accurately and efficiently with a friendly and courteous demeanor. Balance daily teller work Explain credit union products and services to customers Travel to other branch offices as needed Requirements Minimum of a High School Diploma and experience with customer service in a financial institution. Knowledge of a second language is a plus. TO APPLY Send your resume for the teller position to careers(at)rtn.org.RTN Federal Credit Union offers a wide range of banking products and services and our staff is committed to providing excellent customer service. We give back through a variety of sponsorships drives and community events. Our work environment is fast paced and customer focused. We offer competitive compensation and benefits. If you enjoy helping people and have the experience we seek please forward us a cover letter and resume to careers(at)rtn.org we will contact you if your qualifications meet our requirements. Equal Opportunity Employer and VEVRAA Federal Contractor. Min Fem Vets Dis.



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