2000 Toyota Camry CE - Price: $3500

From the Snowless Rust-free Southwest a golden Camry for sale by original owner 125 - miles 2.2L 4cyl - Automatic - Power Everything - cruise control - ABS - Dual Airbags - AC - cd player w premium sound - plush seats - back seats fold down for trunks access - infinite MPG hey its a Camry It s a pleasure to drive just not nearly as fun as my new Jeep Got it inspected appraised at 4 100. Priced lower to sell quickly as I m headed back to the desert. I have the title in my hand. The mileage on camry is nearly all highway we lived out in the country. Shoot me an email and if you are a serious buyer you will get my phone number and we can easily arrange a test drive. Test drive this chariot of security safety and enemy of gas-stations but bring your cash because you won t want to walk away without it. I m available am- pm all week long don t be shy to drop an email anytime. I have many more pictures that I can send you including a pic of the bumper cover that got nicked by my lovely neighbors awesome backing-out skills (hence lowered price). Thanks for looking. I m trying to sell this quick but that doesn t mean lowball me. lowered asking to 3500 3500 OBO CLEAN TITLE IN HAND UZUETAS(at)YAHOO.COM 708.465.9026



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