2010 FORD FOCUS 2 DOOR COUPE - 8500 (SOUTHFIELD) 2010 Ford Focus STcondition like new drive fwd fuel gas odometer 12 875 paint color grey size mid-size title status clean transmission automatic type coupeNO E-MAILS NO TEXTING ONLY PHONE CALLS RETURNED 2010 FORD FOCUS 2 DOOR LOADED 12 875 ORIGINAL MILES 8 500 CASH ONLY 810-625-0595Serious inquires can contact us by telephone only. When you reach our voicemail please leave a message with your name phone number and reason for calling so that we may return your call within 24 hours. FYI We do not answer our phone from numbers we do not know so leave a message. We do not respond to E-mail or Text messaging either. Thanks.



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