Tax Season Best Season for Credit Repairwww.myfes. netLWashingto

Tax season is here let s fix that credit Most Americans get refunds and use them to buy worthless items. Use that refund to renew your credit A better score leads to lower interest rates which saves you lots of money possible new home and you become more desirable to future employers. Inbox me call 773-417-9218 for more info or go to LWashington4 and enroll in the 89mo FES credit protection plan. Our plan also includes other features that most credit repair programs do not offer. FES credit protection plan includes credit restoration credit attorney unlimited credit score access lifelock financial lock-box estate planning debt management Once you get rid of poor credit you will NEVER LOOK BACK. Here are some of the negative items we have erased from our clients credit records. FES has removed Repossessions Bankruptcies Students Loans Tax Liens Identity Theft Any of these bad credit items can come off of your credit record just like any other derogatory item that is incorrectly reported obsolete erroneous misleading incomplete or that cannot be verified. Our average client has his her credit fixed in 4-5 mos then they cancel the restoration service. We guarantee your satisfaction.



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