Business development manager

Job Deion Build and pursue new opportunities to promote and market the Oil and Gas EPC business of the company to varied Oil and Gas players in the Abu Dhabi market. Responsibilities Manage the Sales & Business Development process making sure sales targets are achieved. Maximize contact with several client organizations for new work and generation of new enquiries for the business Provide opportunities for the company and ensure prequalification of the company with present and potential clients, to be able to bid for projects within our scope of competencies. Determine sales strategy, studies and analysis and to ensure effective communication of customer needs and expectations between the organization and customer. Carry out effective communication with other departments as appropriate in relation to proposals, projects, legal, financing, tax, or other issues. Encourage positive customer relationships. Identify customer needs and assist in the development of project solutions that satisfy those needs. Provide important inputs to management regarding market information to develop company strategies for future projects. Cooperate with General Managers to maintain relationships with clients in the course of project execution, and on producing additional work orders. Skills Minimum Qualifications: Engineering qualification preferably with a Masters Degree in Business Administration. Outstanding customer awareness and sales skills in the business development and marketing features in the oil and gas industry with ability to market EPC services to the several oil and gas companies. Excellent Networking skills. Minimum Experience: 8 ? 12 years? experience in Business Development function. Experience in Oil and Energy sector. Minimum 5 years? experience in Abu Dhabi. Apply now at http:/ / jobs/ business-development-manager-adgeco/



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