Lovely 32 Manufactured home Investors DREAM come TRUE

WHEN CALLING ABOUT THIS PROPERTY PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR NAME & REFERENCE NUMBER G4848316 I CAN HELP YOU IF YOU ARE FIRST TIME HOME BUYER LOW CREDIT SCORE (IF CLOSE TO 620) BANKRUPTCY.MY LENDERS HAVE LOAN PROGRAMS TO COVER MOST ALL SITUATIONS. THEY ALSO OFFER CREDIT REPAIR. THINK YOU CAN T BUY ASK ME. YOU MAY BE SURPRISED We do not offer RENT or RENT-TO-OWNPROPERTY DETAILS Bed 3 Bath 2 Sq. Ft 1 216 Year Built 2001 DESCRIPTION Investors DREAM come TRUE OR perfect FIRST time home buyer retreat Check out this 3 2 Manufactured home that can be moved from the lot if interested in building. This beauty features over 1200 square feet of space with a large living room open kitchen for entertaining The master bathroom has two walk-in closets and a spacious garden tub for relaxing bubble baths Newer laminate flooring new roof in 2014 and a new well pump in 2015. Home is fenced-in waiting for you and your lovely critters to enjoy their new home SUNSTATE PROPERTIES POSTS PROPERTIES FOR A 30 DAY PERIOD OF TIME. DUE TO CURRENT HIGH DEMAND OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE SOME PROPERTIES ADVERTISED MAY BE WITHDRAWN CANCELLED RENTED PENDING OR SOLD WITHIN THE PAST 30 DAYS. ALL INFORMATION IS DEEMED TO BE CORRECT BUT NOT GUARANTEED. CALL ME NOW PROPERTIES ARE SELLING FAST CONTACT INFORMATION Joseph Ball SUNSTATE PROPERTIES Phone 863-225-3060Listing Provided by ERA Grizzard Real Estate Listing Agent Scott Hubbard



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