Zircon Stud Sensor E50

Brand New StudSensor e50 quickly and easily locates the edges of wood and metal studs and joists behind walls floors and ceilings. Its easy-to-read display screen indicates stud edges the patented SpotLite Pointer shines a beam of light on the wall to identify the target and WireWarning detection indicates the presence of live AC voltage. Its new patent-pending pinch grip and contoured shape provide an easy secure hold in either hand at any angle.Locates the edges of wood or metal studs up to 3 4 inch (19 mm) deepDeepScan mode doubles the scanning depth to 1 1 2 inches (38 mm)Easy-to-read LCD display indicates when a stud edge is approachedUpdated SpotLite Pointer shines an arrow-shaped light on the wall to mark the targetWireWarning detection indicates the presence of live unshielded electrical wiring up to 2 inches (51 mm) deepShould scanning begin over a stud Zircon s patented over-the-stud indication alerts the user to start the scan in a new locationPatented TruCal technologyindicates when the tool is calibrated and readyThank you for your interest.



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