Speed Queen Front Load 27 lbs Washer 208-240v SC27MN2AU10001 Use

Item Details Model SC27MN2AU10001 Brand Speed Queen Voltage 208-240v Status Used Color Price 1 500.00 Location La Habra California We have a wide variety of used Laundry equipment Front load and top load washers double stack dryers soap machines laundry carts. Everything you need to improve and maintain the quality of your laundry. We still have available used and new equipment and parts. We have all commercial laundry equipments such as Huebsch GE Maytag Primus ADC Continental and Mas.Contact 123 Laundry Solutions 888-205-0884 714-442-0330 123laundryshop.com commercial washer dryer coinoperated doublestackdryer frontloadwasher coinop frontloader toploader stainlesssteel SpeedQueen Cissell IPSO Unimac Primus Whirlpool Continental Girbau Frigidaire LG GE ADC Dexter Wascomat ESD Laundry Laundromat Laundryroom Gasdryer Electricdryer Horizon Maytag Neptune



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