BUY GARMIN ASTRO & ALPHA DOG TRACKING DEVICES garminastrodogtracking(at) INCREASE YOUR HUNTING SUPPLIES BY GETTING OUR GARMIN ASTRO & ALPHA DOG TRACKING DEVICESWITH COLLARS FOR SALE AT AFFORDABLE PRICESEach Garmin product Comes With - Handheld -Rechargeable li-ion battery pack -Belt clip -USB cable -5 standard and 13 long range handheld antennas -GPS dog devices -User-replaceable Li-Ion battery pack (rechargeable) -User replaceable collar straps (black and red) -BRAIDED STEEL VHF 18 1 2 Standard Collar Antennas -BRAIDED STEEL VHF 22 1 2 Long Range Collar Antennas -AC adapters -Vehicle plug chargers Charging clips Split adapter cable -Short and long contact point sets with wrench -Non-stim plugs -Field bag -Owner s manual 100k TOPO map 1 year BirdsEye Satellite Imagery subscription 1 year Garmin warranty BUY 3 UNITS AND GET 1 FREE UNIT AND A COLLAR. NB.....WE DO OFFER A DISCOUNT IF YOU ARE BUYING IN BULK. To Place your order EMAIL garminastrodogtracking(at)gmail.comtext or call 4692787119



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