Standard or Custom Decks

We are running Deck specials right now. The prices are as follows 8x10 9958x12 105010X12 119510X14 128512X14 155012X16 1675Other sizes available. We can also build to your recommended size.Prices include all labor cost 2 treated lumber 2 x 8 floor joist and rim boards 2 inch by 2 inch balusters 2 x 6 Top handrails. all decks are screwed not nailed and include one set of stairs. Call text or email me today to see what C and R Construction can do for you Phone number is 417-350-489zero. References if needed.Do you have an existing deck but need a roof put on it We can do it.We do metal roofing as well.FREE ESTIMATES..FREE ESTIMATES..FREE ESTIMATES..



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