child care / house cleaning

Hey wait no why do u keep scroling Ok now that I have your attention I can move on to bigger and better things... like my name and age and why I m rambeling. lol sorry about that one. So my name is Athena Humphrey. I am a regular 19 year old just entered the adult world girl. I know thats a lot to say P I dont know if you have notices yet but I have a learning disibility and ADHD. I am looking for a loving artistic enjoyable family who is willing to bring me into their lifes to make it easier on the mom and or dad of the house at the end of the day. I will cook clean care for the children and or child. I do not have a license but I am not afraid to ride the bus. I like to be active and eat healthy and believe what u put into your body you put into your work. I like to have a schedule as well to keep things oragnised. I am able to work Monday through Friday. The times are negotiatable. I do not have a cell phone yet but plan to get one after my first pay check. I work with all ages. If u have pets well thats a pluss I love animals just as much. I am certified in CPR FIRST AED and AED-Adult. Well I guess that s all for now. Can t wait to hear from you



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