
2018 Guangzhou International Paint & Coatings Fair (GPC2018) Date: May 9th-11th.2018 Venue: China Import & Export Fair Complex Waterborne Paint and Coating Enjoy a Promising Prospect in China Since 2015, the unswerving attitude to ecological construction has profoundly fostered the environmental friendly industries. In the field of paint and coatings, the industry shifts into high gear towards waterborne coatings featuring environmental protection. It is estimated that gross value of waterborne coatings solely will create more than 250 billion RMB in the following 5 years in china. About GPC Located in Guangdong province, where the origin of China is paint and coatings industry, GPC has been vowing its maximum efforts to boost industrial innovation as well as creating a platform for displaying the latest technologies or products, in view of Guangzhou being the major city in South China and the center city for international economy, finance and commerce. GPC2018 will be the second-to-none trade platform for China to go global, and for the foreigners to flood in! Preview of GPC2018 GPC2018 is schedule to span over 50, 000, with 2500 booths to host prominent brand enterprises from home and broad and professional visitor groups for business cooperation and industry communication. A series of excellent concurrent activities will be held, including reception dinners for both exhibitors and buyers and other activities to create business opportunities. Exhibition Scope -Functional Coatings: -Construction Coatings: -Ornamental Art Coatings: -Raw Materials: -Chemicals: -Tools & Equipment: GPC2018 is now open for registration. If you are interested, please sign up now as our exhibitor for the best positioned booth or as visitor for your free digital ticket! Company:Guangzhou(Ho ngwei)Grandeur Exhibition Services Co.,Ltd Add: Room 401, No. 4, the Third Street of Kehui, Kexue Avenue, Science City, Luogang District, Guangzhou, China (510663) Oversea Organizer: Chloe Mobile: + 86 18826108105 Tel: + 86-20-28966533 Fax: + 86-20-82579220 Mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Web: http:/ / alone/ alone.php?id=18



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