Executive Assistant - Work From Home

SUMMARY Management Business Solutions is seeking an Executive Assistant for our client in Grand Rapids Michigan. This person will be working communicating and sustaining relationships with a global clientele. The ideal candidate must pay high attention to detail and have strong initiative to work independently from home. RESPONSIBILITIES Conduct marketing research to understand the competitors in the area Prepare internal and external correspondence including that of highly confidential and complex nature utilizing personal computer (PC) keyboard mouse and various software including but not limited to word processing spreadsheet graphics and e-mail. Provide administrative support including answering telephones assisting visitors and resolving and or referring a range of administrative problems and inquiries. Monitor availability acceptance of meeting invites and adjust schedule as needed Serve as a liaison with other functional areas external customers and vendors in the resolution of routine administrative and operational problems Develop and maintain data and performs routine analyses and calculations involved in preparing recurring internal reports Handle and ship materials to clients and customers efficiently and effectively Connect with global clients to determine their necessary shipping and product needs Take initiative to fine-tune our processes and help us ensure we re working to the best of our capabilities. QUALIFICATIONS High Diploma or GED required Associate s Degree preferred. 1-3 years administrative or secretarial experience working under limited supervision with tight and changing deadlines required Home office with printer scanner and high speed internet required. Proficient with Microsoft Office Dropbox and QuickBooks required. Strong experience with marketing research required. 1 year of customer service experience required. Knowledge of domestic and international postage policies required. Experience with handling high volume phone calls required. Experience with material handling distribution or manufacturing industry preferred. 1 years administrative experience supporting executive-level management preferred. MANAGEMENT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER



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