Business Owners Sell Your Invoices For Cash

NO PROFESSIONAL INQUIRIES PLEASE--------------------------------------- --------------------------------Does your business have slow cash flow periods Do you have problems obtaining financing from traditional sources Does your business bill invoices to commercial or governmental clients If you answered yes to all the questions you may want to try Factoring Factors are private investors who can purchase your invoices (A R) at a discount.Central Coast Capital Group are brokers who work Factors. They can purchase your invoices giving you the cash you need.Benefits of Factoring It is quck funding usually in 7 to 14 days. It is DEBT FREE financing. Funding approval is generally based on the strength of your invoices not your financialhistory.To qualify You must sell at least 30 000 worth of current invoices (30 60 90 plus days). You must bill invoices to commercial or governmental clients. We cannot purchase invoices billed to households.Call Jonathan Mueller for a no pressure consultation at 831-252-0905 or email him at the link above.Central Coast Capital Group



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