1966 BMW R-Series

I got this BMW R69S last winter it only has 14 000 mile on the clock bike was parked in a heated garage since 1982. Me and my mechanic cleaned the R69S up and put a new coil in it re-build the carburetors adjust the timing and valves. The R69S fire right up with 1 kick. The cylinders tested with 130 PSI and it is a strong runner. I put 2 000 miles this year I rode it up and down on the back roads of Connecticut & upstate New York went to Reinbeck and AMA show plus weeks rides. It never missed a beat. In excellent condition it is a one kick bike. Marching R69S triple Matching engine ID tag & frame numbers ( 661549 ). Beautiful steel rims with original set of METZLER tires are original to the R69S when it let the factory in 1966 ( to preserve the wheel and tire I swapped out the wheels with my riding WEIMAN set when I ride) Denfeld passenger seat ( cover has some slept see picture) . It has new coil from Germany HELLA Turn signal pair BURM head light mirrors Original tire pump owner manual and the tool set the key to the tool box is present. The Air Box still in original paints and stickers are still there. Although there is no support document but the bike s condition support the low mileage on the clock very clean original factory chrome header and mufflers( big R69S pipes). And over all it is a beautiful running it has some minor paint chips and touch ups as a 50 tears old bike will have.



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