LOVELY Akc SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPPIES SEEKING A NEW FOREVER HOME12 weeks old male and female full bread Siberian husky partially well trained has crate toys up to date shots paper work I have a female and male HUSKY seeking a new forever home. They will be Grey and blue when fully grown. They are also professionally declawed and docked. They are very playful and healthy and currently on Science Diet Puppy FoodNeutered up to date on shots microchipped AKC siberian husky puppies VaccinatedDewormedThey are purebreed.Medical records.Potty trained..Female.12 weeks old.They are very playful good around other dogs and kids. using pee pads will pee on the pad if she see it. taking shots. super fluffy. You will love her.. Serious inquiries only.. contact us-(408) 909-3487super energetic playful loving and just a cool pup to be around. great around Children If you re interested and you know you will provide the love and care they deserve please contact me. Rehoming fee applies. Thanks Contact us Via text or call-(four-zero-eight-nine-zero-nine-three-fo ur-eight-seven)



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