It is a 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air 2 door post. It runs great As long as the wire that is shorting out toward the battery Is found and fixed. It has a new rebuilt carburetor a new rebuilt generator A new voltage regulator new back tail lights It has both new emblems on The hood the Chevrolet emblem and the Chrome plane That sits on top of the hood. It has a new rebuilt radiator An new gas tank a new gas line that runs from the gas tank to the carburetor. It has 4 brand new tires with original type hubcaps With the Chevrolet emblem in the center. it has a new clutch and new brakes. the outside body is in good condition. It will need a front seat and some sheet metal in the floor. The worst part of the floor is in the front. The back seat is in good condition. The windshield and the back glass is in good condition. The door glass is cracked an has age bubbles in the glass. The outside body is in good condition. Want to know anything else just ask.



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