Very urgent requirement for Account Executive

Job Description Posts customer payments and maintain Ledgers of the client. Raise the invoices for Clients across country and project wise. Posts revenues by verifying and entering transactions from Purchase order from parties and Activation team. Updates receivables and preparing Debtors Ageing timely. Verifies validity of account discrepancies by obtaining and investigating information from sales team Support team CRM department and customers Resolves collections by examining customer payment plans payment history credit line coordinating contact with collections department. Preparing Data for GST calculations in prescribed time. Preparing Daily Sales Report and coordination with Auditors. Coordination with parties for doubts related to their ledgers. Protects organizations value by keeping information confidential. Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities. Accomplishes accounting and organization mission by completing related results as needed. Requirements Proven experience as billing specialist Proficiency in English Results-driven and patient



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