Ford 460 complete new rebuild parts

Giving up on project due to health lost garage selling external 1983 crank bearings in box new harmonic balancer and either C-6 or ZF Super Duty flywheel 600hp 6000rpm rods flat top .060 pistons moly rings new parts in boxes. New 460 Performer RPM cam lifters 562 intake 588 exhaust New Stealth intake spacers bolts and new Holley 780 performer carb . Set of bare D3 460 heads machined to accept 429 SCJ 2.25 intake valves and exhaust with spring cups and seals new Manley SCJ stainless valves. HEI distributor in box new with wires. Felpro Head and intake valley pan gaskets. New head and main bolts. Asking 2000 with std bore 1968 good used block or .060. over 83 truck block. Selling ALL parts as one unit. I have the 1983 C-6 need rebuilt or core 460 engine E350 ambulance. Text or call 606-305-8841 or landline 606-559-4926



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