1999 Toyota Tacoma V6

Bay Ford - BayCars.com is pleased to be currently offering this 1999 Toyota Tacoma with 293 028 miles. Only the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee can offer you the built-in peace of mind of knowing you made the right purchase. This Tacoma comes equipped with 4 wheel drive which means no limitations as to how or where you can drive. Different terrains and varying weather conditions will have no effect as to how this vehicle performs. If you are looking for a pre-owned vehicle that looks brand-new look no further than this Gold Toyota Tacoma. Speed is a game changer and this sexy machine is so fast it didn t just change the game it rewrote all of the rules. The Tacoma is in a class on its own. So much so that Toyota didn t miss a beat when they loaded this vehicle with an abundance of a-la-carte options. This incredibly rare Tacoma is a work of art and is the type of vehicle a true automotive aficionado will appreciate for a lifetime. This Tacoma has high-end wheels to enhance your ride and the overall appearance of this vehicle. This Toyota includes COLOR-KEY PKG CRUISE CONTROL SLIDING REAR WINDOW ALUMINUM ALLOY WHEELS STANDARD PAINT ALUMINUM ALLOY WHEELS DELUXE ETR AM FM STEREO W COMPACT DISC FABRIC BUCKET SEATS W HEADRESTS TILT STEERING WHEEL TOWING RECEIVER HITCH (PPO) AIR CONDITIONING (PPO) OVER RAIL BEDLINER (PPO) NATIONAL DESTINATION CHARGE ADJUSTMENT SR5 PKG PWR PKG TOYOTA RACING DEVELOPMENT (TRD) OFFROAD PKG AIR CONDITIONING 4-WHEEL ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM See it at Bay Ford Blountstown in Blountstown FL.



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