Abacus school bag Ct 09841823115/jvindian s.com

Abacus school bag Ct 09841823115 jvindians.com Jayavarad Graphics offers its unmatched solutions for Abacus Teachers Abacus Trainers Regular Schools Abacus Distributors Abacus Traders Abacus Resellers to have an access to a wide range of products and services for the smooth conduct of Abacus Classes in private coaching and school coaching. Our product range of Student Abacus and related material like Abacus Books Abacus Pouch Teacher Abacus are available for everyone to buy at very competitive pricing. Our serving clients as Abacus Manufacturer Abacus Book Publishers Wholesellers Distributors Retailers & Consulting. This will help you to keep the abacus safe and take it to any where easily and comfortably. Abacus bags are available in different shapes and sizes that are easy to carry and safe. These bags are also highly comfortable for the clients therefore they are appreciated by our valued clients. These bags are made from pure leather and they are free from manufacturing defects. These bags are mostly used to keep the abacus so that they can not be damaged. They provide highly protection to the abacus. We aim to provide the qualitative abacus bags that have ample space for keeping the abacus. These bags are achieving the maximum gratification of our prominent clients Marketing Office New No. 25 Old No.9 Chari Street North Usman Road T.Nagar Chennai - 600017 Tamilnadu India. Email alagappan_sk(at)yahoo.com info(at)jvindians.com Phone 044-42071815 Tele Fax 044-42071815 Cell ( 91) - 098410 23115 7299923115 Website www.jvindians.com



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