All day conference on 552018 in Daytona Beach for FALDP Members

All day conference on 5 5 2018 in Daytona Beach. Speakers Networking Prizes Membership in the Best Statewide Association for Florida Legal Document Preparers Attendee Accommodations only 89 per night (at the beach )The Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers - Empowering the People. The Conference Fee is 95.00 and Annual Membership is 75. As our space permits until further notice members are invited to bring a guest at no additional charge. The Conference & Membership together is 170. OR the conference fee and membership fee is included in our three course bundle - 499. OR the conference fee and membership fee is included with our Turn Key Business Bundle - 499. These specials are in effect during the run up to our Annual Conference OR we run out of conference seats. So hurry space is limited.If you are a Florida legal document preparer join and enjoy the benefits of being part of something bigger than all of us. We serve the under served pro se litigants of Florida.Visit us online at send a message through our site or call 800-515-0496.



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