Need Moving help Reliable fit hard working movers here to help T

Let us handle all of your moving needs. With 6 years of experience we will handle your items with care while being fast and safe. A little about us. We are in our early 30 s have families are very fit in shape clean and take pride in working our hardest at all times. Customer Service is our main priority. We want you to be stress free as moving is very stressful and can be a overwhelming task. We do all of the following Home condo duplex apartment Load unloads Help set up Long distance moves Storage and Pod load unloads Furniture and appliance re-arranging in ones home ect. What are fees include We will provide the labor and manpower for all our needs. If you rent the U-Haul or moving truck we will take care of the rest. We do have small pickup truck available for use with smaller local jobs Truck fee will be discussed based on job specifics and base on amount of stuff and number of trips the Job will require We usually work in teams of 2. For bigger jobs sometimes teams of 3 are required. Team of 2 We have a rate of 70 per hour with two hour minimum with a 20 flat gas fee. We have the Blankets Dollies and all tools to make your Move go smooth. Standard Gas fee is 20.00 flat. Sometimes this could vary if job is out of the greater Sacramento area Stairs and (assembly taking apart beds and furniture) is small fee extra and can be discussed If interested Please call 916-320-5111 text or email. When calling PLEASE leave message and call back number mentioning this ad on Classified will return your call within 2 hours.Ryan



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