Lexus ES 300

198k milesEngine V6 3.0 Liter Transmission Automatic 4-Spd with Overdrive Drivetrain FWD Braking and Traction Traction Control ABS (4-Wheel) Comfort and Convenience Air Conditioning Power Windows Power Door Locks Cruise Control Steering Power Steering Tilt Wheel Entertainment and Instrumentation AM FM Stereo Cassette CD (Multi-Disc) Safety and Security Dual Air Bags Seats Dual Power Seats Leather Roof and Glass Moon Roof Wheels and Tires Premium Alloy Wheels Exterior Color BlackTHE GOOD Cranks Runs and Drives Excellent.THE BAD - Driver s door automatic window motor replaced (functions properly but the window is slightly out-of-line). - Driver s seat torn ripped (see pic). - Instrument panel engine check light illuminated. - Engine oil leak (slight minor drip).



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