1993 Ford E350 parts good 351W and E4OD

Engine and transmission are in running daily driver 1993 Ford E350 Maxi window van 9200GVW running driven to Kentucky from Virginia.This E350 was one of two owned by a stain glass shop business to haul the crews and windows to job cites. Before this van was pulled from service engine and transmission were both replaced with rebuilt units low miles on both this van was pulled from service after failing Virginia DMV safety inspection both front stabilizer bar bushings to both axles were wore out. Clean Virginia title contact text 606-305-8841 OR landline voice mail 606-559-4926 CASH SALE I will not respond to payment offers of check or money order Sale requires visit to zip 42519. I have new ball joints and bushings for the front end in boxes. Front rotors turned wheel bearings front wheel seals last 6 months.Complete tuneup plugs wires cap and rotor before leaving Virginia. Van needs door latch cables on side doors Van has 35 gallon fuel tank 3 73 gear Sterling 10.5 axle will need rear brake linings soon.I have the partsAsking 950.. for entire running van original tires and wheel. factory tires wheels. I purchased 1 200. 10 ply tires and wheels to bring back from Virginia pictured not selling with 950 van price.



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