2009 Chevrolet Corvette

APPLE CHEVY BLACK BEAUTY SUMMER FUN SPORTY GM CERTIFIED CORVETTE 2DR CONVERTIBLE BLUETOOTH 6.2L V8 ALL MOST NEW TIRES ALL SERVICED DUAL ZONE HEAT & A C FINANCING AVAILABLE GOOD BRAKES GREAT CONDITION LEATHER LOW MILES MUST SEE ABS brakes Auto-dimming door mirrors Auto-dimming Rear-View mirror CHROME WHEELS Driver & Passenger Frontal & Side-Impact Airbags Dual front impact airbags Electronic Stability Control Four wheel independent suspension Heated door mirrors Leather Shift Knob Leather steering wheel Power door mirrors Power driver seat POWER TOP Power windows Remote keyless entry Security system Speed control Tilt steering wheel Traction control and XM Radio. GM CERTIFIED 172 POINT INSPECTION- 12 12 WARRANTY- 2YR 30K MAINTANCE PLAN. Creampuff This handsome 2009 Chevrolet Corvette is not going to disappoint. There you have it short and sweet Awarded Consumer Guide s rating as a 2009 Premium Sporty Performance Car Best Buy. GM Certified Pre-Owned means you not only get the reassurance of a 12mo 12 000-Mile Bumper-to-Bumper limited warranty but also a 2yr 24 000-Mile Standard CPO Maintenance Plan up to a 5-Year 100 000-Mile 0 Deductible Fully Transferable Powertrain Limited Warranty a 172-point inspection reconditioning 24 7 roadside assistance Courtesy Transportation 3-Day 150-Mile Customer Satisfaction Guarantee 3 month trial OnStar Directions & Connections Service if available SiriusXM Radio 3mo trial if available and a vehicle history report. The precision-tuned 6.2L V8 SFI engine provides the very essence of performance delivering substantial horsepower and torque.



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