2391 sqft office for rent in the heart of Brossard

Commercial office space Brossard for rent - 6300 Av. Auteuil local 435. Turnkey office spaces in the heart of Brossard. Perfect for SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) or NPO (Non Profit Organization). Easy 24h day access 7 days a week. Reception waiting room work space 7 closed offices kitchen conference room. Parking included. Easy access to major roads and bridges. Included in the rent heating air conditioning electricity housekeeping. Possibility of renting semi-furnished or to purchase on site furniture. A must see 24 year sqft tx.Jacques GallantReal Estate BrokerGroupe Sutton-Actuel Inc.514-817-1814Espace bureau commercial Brossard louer - 6300 Av. Auteuil local 435. Espaces de bureaux cl en main au coeur de Brossard. Parfait pour une PME (petite moyenne entreprise) ou un OSBL (organisme but nonlucratif). Facile d acc s 24h 24 7jour 7. R ception salle d attente espace de travail aire ouverte 7 bureaux ferm s cuisine salle de conf rence. Stationnements inclus. Acc s rapide aux grands axes routiers et aux ponts. Inclus dans le loyer Chauffages climatisation lectricit entretiens m nagers. Possibilit de louer semi-meubl e ou faire l achat des meubles existants. qui la chance 24 ann e pc tx.



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