John Deere Gator 6X4

John Deere Gator 6X4Unknown Model YearThis unit was used until a few months ago. We have not been able to get the unit to start and it needs work on the brakes.The John Deere Gator 6X4 is the only item for sale in this lot.Unit is sold 100% as-is no title is included with sale.Physical inspection of the item is recommended. Please contact the office to schedule a time to inspect.Buyer is 100% responsible for picking up and loading item. The buyer will need to make sure that he she brings necessary equipment and assistance in loading item in a timely manner. STAFF WILL NOT ASSIST IN LOADING.ONLINE AUCTION. Ends 04-04-2018 . To view full details please go to and enter 9229-67 in the QAL (Quick Asset Lookup) search box located on the homepage. is the online platform where you can bid on and buy government surplus.Price is subject to change at any time during ongoing auction.



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