1989 Custom Iroc Camaro

1989 Iroc - customer backed out of the deal and now this Iroc is for sale - it is near completion and can be bought as is or complete - 5500.00 is the as is price. This camaro has a fresh coat of Brewster Green and is currently wet sanded and ready to be buffed. There are no miles on the new front Monroe Sensatrac struts or rear shocks front and rear lowering springs cross drilled front rotors front aluminum billet two piston calipers and pads brake lines sway bar bushings front and rear headers and custom exhaust with brushed stainless Gibson exhaust tips and tranny cooler. The Camaro is lowered about 1.5 s and has one off custom headlights. Custom front brake coolers are in place but not complete. Custom frame connectors. Approximately 130 000 kilometers auto trans - Email for more info



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