Lot in sandhill, belize

Sandhill is a growing community located at the junction of the Old Northern Highway and the New Northern Highway, now known as Phillip Goldson Highway. It is peacefull and laid back with spacious lots and farmland in the background. It has all amenities with regular public transport from the Mexican border to Belize City where there are connecting buses beyond. The Old Northern Highway also sees significant traffic because of the popular Mayan Temple, Altun Ha which is located in the village of Rockstone Pond about 30 miles down this road. This lot is about 10 miles from Ladyville which is a major village with facilities that one would find in a town, including the international airport and connecting local flights to all major towns and cities. Belize City where everything that is avaialble in Belize can be found is only 20 miles away. This 1012 square meters lot is located just off the Phillip Goldson Highway in a recently established section of the community. It is just across the highway from the Police Station, a preschool and the community center which also has a sport field and public library. The number of residents in the area is steadily increasing and there is a nightclub nearby oferring a place to socialize.



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