Portside Arts Center Creative Yoga for Kids

Creative Yoga for Kids Taught by Melisa Clark In Creative Yoga Kids we will explore the ways in which yoga can teach us balance flexibility focus stillness peace health and well-being as we play have fun and breathe towards a more relaxed and happy state. Creative Yoga for Kids I Ages 5-7 years old Thursday 4 30-5 30pm In Creative Yoga for Kids I we will learn yoga poses that stretch and move us like animals we ll listen to stories that will have us dancing with our imaginations and we ll learn techniques that can help us calm and relax our bodies and minds. Bring a friend or make a friend in Creative Yoga Creative Yoga for Kids II Ages 8-12 years old Thursday 5 30-6 30pm In Creative Yoga for Kids II we ll practice the basic poses of yoga as we continue to challenge ourselves into more advanced poses achieving balance strength and flexibility. Care will be taken to support our self-confidence and self-esteem along the way. Each class will close with a beautiful relaxation to help bring calm to our busy lives. Come join us as we create and share a positive and healthy time together. Melisa Clark is a teacher dancer and choreographer based in Philadelphia. She has over fifteen years experience teaching various levels and techniques of dance and yoga in private studios public schools and community arts centers. She is currently a Graduate student in the MFA Dance program at Temple University and is a certified yoga children s yoga teacher through an accredited Yoga Alliance certification program and Child Light Yoga. She has lived in the Port Richmond Kensington Fishtown neighborhood for ten years now and is a new mother of a beautiful baby girl. It is a wonderful opportunity to offer Creative Yoga for Kids at Portside Arts Center Portside Arts Center



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