New Barnett Crossbows Cheap

Barnett s most popular bow just got an upgrade. A compact and lightweight hunting machine the Barnett Raptor FX2 Crossbow Package comes ready to strike when your game comes into range. Built around its custom composite laminated limbs high energy cam system and Crosswire String and Cable System this easy shooting crossbow launches arrows up to 330 fps with a hard hitting 97 ft. lbs. of kinetic energy. This easy to handle design features a lightweight composite stock with finger reminders pass-through foregrip and adjustable butt pad for great control and safety while shooting. Measuring just 18 wide the Raptor FX2 works great when hunting out of tight spots. This easy-to-operate crossbow also features a new bristle retainer and CNC-machined 7 8 Picatinny rail for optics. Power stroke 12.5 Draw weight 150 lbs Stock length 34.25 Weight 6.5 lbs Package includes 3x32mm illuminated multi-reticle scope rope cocking device Quiver and (2) TWO 20 Headhunter arrows. Features ADF (anti-dry fire) trigger system bristle brush Retainer MIM (metal injected molded) trigger 7 8 inch Picatinny rails allows for the Integration of a crank cocking device finger safety reminders pass through fore grip.



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