Surfcaster 120 Leaps from the Beach Call Now (619) 225-1260 5050 Niagara Avenue San Diego CA 92107 Need more information Copy this link surfcastersunrise.info 30h277 At Surfcaster Apartments we proudly offer spacious studios and one bedroom apartment homes which graciously boast their own private outdoor living space. In this beach community you will not only be around the corner from any shopping restaurants schools and public transportation but also from the relaxing parks the cliffs just tempting your active lifestyle and the pier with the tantalizing restaurant that will confirm you picked the right home Please call for an appointment today.Community Amenities OnSite Laundry Facility Gated Community Elevator Served 24-Hour Emergency Team Beach ViewsResidence Features Private Patio Balcony Stainless Steel Appliances Breakfast Nook Living Room Cable-Ready Pet Policy Reasonable accommodations are made for service and companion animals in connection with disabilities Managed by Sunrise Management Equal Housing Opportunity Pricing may include current special and is subject to change without notice.



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