Fleurs dans un Verre Orig Lithograph by Pablo Picasso

Original lithograph in black ink on wove paper by Pablo Picasso. Executed as a gouache-worked wash drawing on lithographic paper and transferred to stone. Titled Fleurs dans un Verre (Flowers in a Glass) the image shows small flowers in a glass of water. This is the sixth image by Picasso with the same title. Dated April 22 1947 in the stone the work was printed and published in 1950 as the frontespiece to Picasso Lithographs Vol. II. Total edition size is 2 500. (There were also 40 signed and numbered copies printed with wide margins.) The stone was polished out after printing so no additional impressions could be pulled. Reference Mourlot Picasso Lithographs M98 p. 73 Cramer Pablo Picasso The Illustrated Books Cramer 61. p. 164-165. Image Size 9-1 16 inches H x 6-1 8 W inches (23 cm x 15.5 cm). Framed size 23-3 4 inches H x 20 inches W (60.3 cm x 53.8 cm). Framed in a new gold frame with an antique finish. Double-matted in off-white and black acid-free materials and covered with UV-resistant acrylic. See closeup photos and more details at www.jdsmithfineart.com.



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