2010 Chevrolet Colorado LT

This 2010 Chevrolet Colorado LT 4WD Crew Cab 4x4 Truck features a 3.7L L5 MPI DOHC 20V 5cyl Gasoline engine. It is equipped with a 4 Speed Automatic transmission. The vehicle is GRAY with a Other interior. - Air Conditioning Cruise Control Tinted Windows Power Steering Power Windows Power Door Locks Passenger Airbag Traction Control AM FM CD Player Four Wheel Drive Sliding Rear Window Bedliner - Contact Heather Johnson at 828-648-2313 or heatherjohnson(at)kwford.com for more information. - Our Dealership has built a reputation on providing courteous honest service. Our customers appreciate the way we do business and we know you will too. We offer superior sales and service for our valued customers. We are committed to serving our friends and customers and look forward to hearing from you. Thanks and have a great day -



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