Tire and Lube Technician - Goodyear - JR-40025465

As a Tire Lube Technician will work in a Goodyear Truck Care Center which is an on-highway location providing light mechanical service and tire service to the Commercial Trucking industry. Responsibilities will include but not be limited to Repair replacement mounting and balancing (Tire Service). Completing lube oil change filter service and brake adjustment (Preventive Maintenance). Draining and filling (Coolant System). Ensuring shop is clean and stocked. REQUIREMENTS High School Diploma or GED preferred TIA Certified Auto Tech Degree preferred At least 3 months of relevant commercial truck service experience is preferred. Must possess wrenches from 1 4 to 3 4 and screwdrivers. Communication skills. Will perform the following service on commercial highway trucks and trailers Tire Service -- Repair replacement mounting and balancing. Preventive Maintenance -- Complete lube oil change filter service and brake adjustment. Coolant System -- Drain & fill. Must have a valid driver s license for the type of vehicle required for the position and be able to meet commercial driver qualification requirements including be at least 21 years of age. Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities Women Protected Veterans Disabled Sexual Orientation Gender Identity. Apply at link s www.candidatecare.com srccsh RTI.home r 5000323849310& c 8& d goodyear2.candidatecare.com& _dissimuloSSO SOfweKGXghg qpEYWhW8MtPWt29t2G2f8GBYVZg& rb CLASSIFIEDADS



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