127.50 a Month Roommates Wanted

Please Cross Post And Share Campsite Roommates Wanted As Low As 127.50 a Month For Those Who Think Outside The Box Hello If you would like to save a lot of money on paying rent this spring summer and fall and like camping this could be for you I m starting a new group called the happy camper. Campsite roommates for the working lower income. The disabled senior citizens and homeless veterans. By joining our community you become family. There s safety security strength and protection in numbers.Whether you lost or are loosing your home to foreclosure between jobs living in a negitive uncomfortable environment can no longer afford the high cost of rent and utilities or simply choose not to live in the system of the Matrix and you just like the camping carefree nomadic lifestyle. We don t judge anyone and were here to help.We offer place to meet and make new friends with other nice local good people in the tri-county area. To share and split the cost of the campsite fees in the Brighton Highland Holly Pinckney recreation campgrounds which all open Friday April 6th its 17 a night and split 4 ways it becomes a very affordable way to live.Come join us and share the positive life affirming enhancements and charms that mother nature has to offer like a crackling fire stunning sunsets amazing sunrises campfire coffee great food conversation and solitude. If you have any interest or questions please give us a call leave your name phone number and desired camping location. I will call you back within 24 hours and connect you with other local members in your area. Thanks.Sincerely from the creator and founder of the happy camper. I am only 1 man with 1 voice and 1 vision which is to help make a positive difference in your life and in the lives of those less fortunate. Please no texting no e-mails only phone calls returned. 810-429-4123



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