1095 Pigeon Avenu Williams Lake BC

bright clean family home that is ready to move right into. Fully finished 5 bedroom 2 bathroom home on a large corner lot. .20 or and acre. Great neighborhood close to churches bus route all levels of schools including the university and on the Gibraltar bus route. Loads and loads of RV parking within the gated backyard. Lots of updates to this home with fresh paint new flooring in the basement. Our home has a new furnace roof and hot water tank. Updated windows on the main floor. Extra large rec room and bedroom in the basement. Smaller bedroom down as well as full bathroom. Upstairs bath has been renovated with new fixtures flooring and ceramic tile. Security system and secondary sub service. Cathedral entrance and single enclosed car port. Attractive stamped concrete upper deck stairs and ground level patio complete with a Beachcomber hot tub. 10x12 free standing shed in the back yard as well as secured storage under the deck. Fully developed and fenced back yard with garden boxes and an apple tree in the front. Two access gates to the back yard.includes refrigerator newer Fridgidare ceramic top range with a quick bake program built in microwave dishwasher washer dryer water softener and all window coverings.



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