2006 springdale fifthwheel RV Located at Beutifull ElkHorn Lake RV Park in Java VA. park has wonderfull amenateys such as 3 pools one is directly across from RV a lake for swimming fishing kyaking small moter 5hp or soler boating pontunes 35 miles of ATV trails loade of fun for the whole family also offers worshop on Sundays and laundry mat and organized activatys at difrent time durring the summer months RV is equiped with full kitchen with pots pans dishes baseic utensels and flatwere full bath queen size bed room pullout full sized bed in liveing area 2 TVs large coverd Deck Full size extra Fridg if the park is not for you RV can be unhooked and moved That is up to buyer price is negotiable you may contact us (at) 518-775-0542 or 336-983-0183



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