WAVE Plots in Fresh Booking Sector 85 Mohali Wave Estates Mohal

Ravinder 9501174477 Wave Estate Sector 85 Mohali Plots Available in Wave Estate Sector 85 Mohali Plots in Wave Estate are available in both Fresh Booking and Resale Plot Size Availability at Wave Estate Mohali Sizes available 200 250 366 569 and 1000 Square Yards. Fresh Booking Pricing of Plots in Wave Estate Mohali BSP (Basic Sale Price) Rs. 47 000 - per Square Yard EDC (External Development Charges) As Applicable PLC (Preferred Location Charges) 7.5% (Single) Contact Ravinder 9501174477 E-mail castleestateindia(at)gmail.com Visit www.castleestatesindia.com



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