1997 Euroway by Fleetwood 27 ft. travel trailer camper

1997 Euroway by Fleetwood 27 ft. travel trailer 18 ft. awning ..has 2 doors for easy access 18 ft. awning .It has walk around queen size bed and storage underneath. The sofa and eating area I keep covered to keep clean the sofa also makes into a bed called a jack knife sofa has tons of storage has a great AC and furnace too. Stove is a 3 burner. Larger fridge 3 way. Lots of cabinets. Lots of windows. Bathroom closet is pretty large and mirrored. The bathtub when I looked to buy it was in need of repair so the guy did and messy job and I was still worried about it so I bought another product that indeed worked but it doesn t look great but there is no leaks . 2 newer batteries I purchased last year. It will come with the sway bar and equalizers and ball made for this. Part of flooring is wood and the other is linoleum so is easy to keep clean. Also new spare tire.....I tow it with Dodge 2500. 6500 call 719-371-2535 location is by Westcliffe Co



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