Online Auctions End 4.24.18. Several lots of SINGLE VIDMAR CABINET TOP AND BOTTOM up for auction. To view full details for each auction click the direct links to each auction provided below. is the online platform where you can bid on and buy government surplus.Price is subject to change at any time during ongoing auction. Item Condition - Items offered for sale may be used and may contain defects not immediately detectable. All items are sold as is where is with no returns or refunds. Inspection - Tennessee Valley Authority the seller does not guarantee quantity condition or description and therefore recommends that the Bidders inspect the items prior to bidding. 1577-3751 1 SINGLE VIDMAR CABINET TOP AND BOTTOM - GovDeals.com1577-3756 1 SINGLE VIDMAR CABINET TOP AND BOTTOM - GovDeals.com1577-3749 1 SINGLE VIDMAR CABINET TOP AND BOTTOM - GovDeals.com1577-3749 1 SINGLE VIDMAR CABINET TOP AND BOTTOM - GovDeals.com1577-3752 1 SINGLE VIDMAR CABINET TOP AND BOTTOM - GovDeals.com1577-3737 1 SINGLE VIDMAR CABINET TOP AND BOTTOM CONTENTS INCLUDED - GovDeals.com1577-3744 1 SINGLE VIDMAR CABINET TOP AND BOTTOM - GovDeals.com1577-3738 8 PIECE STANLEY VIDMAR BOX CABINETS WITH CONTENTS. - GovDeals.com1577-3746 1 SINGLE VIDMAR CABINET TOP AND BOTTOM - GovDeals.com1577-3750 QTY 3 EACH SINGLE VIDMAR CABINETS -



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